Monday, March 31, 2014

The Cure for My Spiritual Stupidity...

Dear Jesus - Create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me for Thou hast promised!

I've spent HOURS (HOURS I tell ya!) writing a blog post about a subject that is best summed up in a few lines from 2 different authors...  So - I figured - why not just post what they say?

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Masters Over Us? Your Time is Short!

Dear Jesus - We just praise You for Your many words to us that speak hope...

What are some 'lords' or 'masters' in your life?  
Here are some in mine that I will NOT be sorry to see go!

Sugar / Sweets / Food Generally
Dissatisfaction / Judgement / Anxiety
Loss / Separation from Loved Ones
Oh this list could go on!  But it will never truly capture the list in our own hearts.

O LORD our God, masters besides You
Have had dominion over us;
But by You only we make mention of Your name.

They are dead, they will not live;
They are deceased, they will not rise.
Therefore You have punished and destroyed them,
And made all their memory to perish.

Isaiah 26:13-14


Thursday, March 20, 2014

A Lamb, Some Egyptians, and Moses

Dear Jesus - You are the perfect Shepard.  Help us to know, to understand that in our deepest being - daily...

Moses writes of a rule Jacob defines and that the Israelites knew well.  We would do well to follow this rule in our person lives, our family lives and with all we come in contact.  It goes like this:

And he said unto him, My lord knoweth that the children are tender, and the flocks and herds with young are with me: and if men should overdrive them one day, all the flock will die. Genesis 33:13

I did a bit of Google research on the capabilities of lambs - but it was too much for me.  I'm not a farmer.  I don't even own a pet.  That any lamb survives and grows into adulthood is amazing to me.

In the early years of my marriage - we had a problem, but we didn't know exactly the root of that problem. We could see the evidences of the problem - but we didn't know what the root cause was. So - we periodically blamed each other, got angry, an inevitably the cycle would repeat. 

Then we had a baby.  Otherwise known as CYCLE INTERRUPTUS.  That's my Latin term for - the basket got turned upside down in our family life.

About a year or so ago, we were out spending a lovely day together as a family - when suddenly the PROBLEM popped up.  Rather - I began to get those familiar feelings telling me we were heading down a not-so-happy-path.  The Holy Spirit popped this verse into my head and I quoted it to my husband.  I added, "Honey, let's finish this day STRONG.  Let's go at the speed of the smallest lamb."  Of course, by this, I meant our son.  My husband considered my comments, and we wrapped a nice little bow on our day and headed home.  Got into bed that night - and we both agreed it had been a good, solidly good day.

A few months later - that story repeated with the same results.  The Holy Spirit had revealed the root cause of our problem early in our marriage!  It was our mutual inability to KNOW WHEN TO STOP.  Didn't matter the element to be stopped:  having fun, talking, playing, arguing - in all things we must KNOW WHEN TO STOP.

Today hubby and I were discussing this verse.  The image of Moses came to my mind.  Moses leading the children of Israel out of Egypt.  In that group were Israelite children, lambs, herds and even Egyptians!  All being led by Moses!  So to recap - the group consisted of:

  • babies and children of all ages
  • Egyptians knowing next to nothing of Yahweh except that He was saving them from plagues
  • ex-Slaves
  • Bones of Joseph, e.g. a dead man
  • Moses - spoken to by God Himself
Wow.  You could not get a group representing a broader spectrum.  Do you want to consider the group by 'age'?  Diverse.  By 'ethnicity'?  Diverse.  By 'spiritual beliefs'?  Diverse.  By 'physical ability to walk or travel'?  Diverse.

Did they all escape Egypt?  Hallelujah!  Even the dead bones of Joseph!

Did they all come into the presence of God?  Yes, well - I'll grant you some of the herds may have been eaten or sacrificed along the way, but the encampment at the base of Mt. Sinai consisted of the same mix.

Did they all hear the voice of God?  Yes!  In fact, Exodus 19 is just an amazing picture of how intensely God yearned to speak face to face with His people.  Exodus 20 finished up God's conversation with His people.  And probably the saddest verse to me is verse 19.  The people couldn't take it.  They could not handle speaking face to face with God.

Here's my today takeaway for my life:

I am called to labor with God who works at the speed of the youngest child, the most ignorant soul longing for Him, and the most gifted with His presence student.  I am part of that group.  I may have started as the youngest child.  Joshua was young when he left Egypt, compared to Moses.  

But here's the lesson - nothing but ME keeps me at that starting point.  

Joshua committed to stay as close to God as he could.  In his life - that was by not letting Moses out of his sight.  In that decision, he too saw the face of God!

The leaders of Israel.  Scary thought.  They dined with God in Exodus 24: 9-11 and yet they died in the wilderness and never saw the Promised Land.  

Moses committed to never letting God out of his sight.  And he SAW THE FACE OF GOD!

Oh dear Jesus!  Thank You that there are no laws of micro or macro economics with You!  Each of us makes a difference to You!  You reward those who seek You regardless of their age, ethnicity, or sin.  You know we were born in sin and You don't hold that against us!  You meet us right where we are!  We praise You for that today...

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

The Sweet Blessings of Obedience...

How my son Timothy came to be at Tualatin Valley Academy is a story already told. But suffice it to say it was NOT a foregone conclusion that he would attend that school for the 2013-2014 school year.  So why did he end up there?  In the end, the answer is pretty simple – Jesus asked me to send him there and then gave me strength to obey. And I’m so glad I did. This may sound simple – but to me it was a HUGE deal. My BABY! No school is perfect just as no church is perfect – because none of us IN it are perfect. But God IS perfect! And praise the Lord His love is so much a part of who He is that He cannot help but respond tenderly to us – His fallen weak creatures.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Why I Sent My Son to School...

In November 2012, I was sitting in a pew at church when I opened the bulletin and read “Kindergarten Roundup at Tualatin Valley Academy” with January 2013 dates listed. I shut the bulletin. My mind raced, my heart raced. I opened the bulletin again – sure enough the announcement was exactly as I had just read it. I closed the bulletin again.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

When I Don't Understand What Jesus Said...

Dear Jesus - Please unstop our ears to hear You as You long to be heard...

John 11 records the story of Lazarus illness, death & resurrection.  Let's take a look and see if we can see ourselves in this story.  I'll omit a few of the verses so keep your eyes on the verse numbers:

Monday, March 10, 2014

Going to Battle Prayer - Part 3 Bootcamp

Dear Jesus - Help us, train us, equip us...

Prayer.  What comes to mind as you read that word?  My mind naturally goes to bedtime prayers, mealtime prayers, prayers of desperation (please HELP!).  This series has included powerful promises and how to use them to bring loved ones, colleagues, neighbors, into the loving embrace of God.  We looked at just a few promises here and here.  However, it is a fair question to ponder:  How does one 'train' in this type of prayer?

Saturday, March 8, 2014

The Name (above all names) or the Word?

Dear Jesus - I praise You for Your tender communication that is individual, unique and specific to each of our needs...

2:12 a.m.  I had been awakened from some particularly sweet and peaceful sleep and felt particularly rested.  Hm...  Unusual.

2:30 a.m.  Thoughts have coalesced in my brain over the last 30 minutes and I realize Jesus is calling me to spend some personal time with Him.

You've been around this blog long enough to realize there is no simple realization that happens in my head.  This is no exception.  I purpose to do it.  Then I freak out thinking about not getting enough sleep for the day ahead.  My brain flits back to purposing to spend time with Jesus and I ask Him to help me do it.  I begin to praise in my mind...

Friday, March 7, 2014

Cords - Compare & Contrast

Dear Jesus - Thank You for Your cords of love...

So one day in March, I'm reading Isaiah chapter 5.  And I come upon verse 18 and the word 'cord' strikes a bell in my mind...  Doesn't Jesus say He's drawn us with cords of love somewhere?  So a couple of days later I get a moment and I check it out...

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Monday, March 3, 2014

Going to Battle Prayer... Part 2

Dear Jesus - Please open grant us effectiveness as we work with You to reclaim our loved ones, friends and colleagues...

Yesterday, in Part 1 of this mini-series, we looked at the power available to us through God's Word to reclaim those we love.  I have to say - since I've learned about this, I've had to start asking for more patience.  It has become increasingly difficult to listen to generic prayers!  Have you seen 5 year-old boys who happen upon toy swords?  Those boys immediately know what to do.  They pick them up, aim, WHACK!  No hesitation.

Let's say I'm at a church prayer meeting and someone requests prayer for a loved one.  Then the individual praying says:  Dear Jesus - please save so-and-so.  And in my head I go nuts.  I want to shout - YA GOT A SPAGHETTI NOODLE YOU'RE WAIVING AROUND THERE!  PICK UP YOUR SWORD - GO AFTER YOUR TARGET!

So - uh - pray for me?  (Really, could my need for your prayers be any clearer?!)

The Battle at Work...

Dear Jesus - Today, please recreate our eyes to see our world, our lives as You see us...

Work.  There is a reason that is a different word entirely from the word 'VACATION'!  Ever had a work hassle?  Issue?  Ever been involved or responsible for a project that you could clearly see was headed south and it caused you anxiety?  If not - praise the Lord!  Hopefully my story will prepare you for that eventuality!

So I'm not having fun at work.  Wretched situation.  Fantasizing about time off - ANY time off.  Communication a big fat ZERO.  I'm frosted.  And the Mr. says to me:  We battle not against flesh and blood but against...?  And I think...

Thursday, February 27, 2014

My Wits' End...

Dear Jesus - You are just SO cool!  Thank You for the practicality in Your Word!

So I'm losing my mind.  LOSING it.  I am seriously at my wits' end.  Picked that phrase up from my parents somewhere along the way.  A curiosity overcomes me.  I search for 'wit' in the Bible.  OK, 21 times.  Then I search for 'wits'.  Boom - there it is!

Psalm 107:27

They reel to and fro, and stagger like a drunken man, and are 
at their wits' end.

Wowza!  In the BIBLE?!  Oh my.  And I go back up to the top and read all of Psalm 107.  There I am!  It is exactly my condition! 

Oh dear God!  Thank You for this creative way of reminding me that You have all the details - big and small - of my life in Your powerful and loving hands.  Please create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me that I may walk with You and not as a drunken man...

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Going to Battle Prayer... Part 1

Dear Jesus - Give us Your strength to do the work You've given us...

Who is on your prayer list?  I mean - who do you pray for?  Maybe there are those in your life that you THINK about praying for, but really - is it more that you wish that God would save them or deliver them from a circumstance?  This describes me for 99% of my life.

However, (hallelujah!) recently the Lord has graciously swept away a lot of the deceptions clouding my mind with respect to praying for those I love.  And now I'm fired up about my list!  Here we go...

Beauty in the Word...

Dear Jesus - You who made each intricate snowflake astoundingly beautiful, approached the creation of Your Word with perfect creativity.  Open our eyes to see You...

Came across the verse below in the Song of Solomon a week or so ago and it triggered a memory of David...  Could it be that even in physical appearance David resembled Jesus?  Could there be ties between this verse and others?

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Question: Hell. Why?

Dear Jesus - Speak to us from Your Word...

So - here's a question:  Why hell? 
Variation 1: 'Who' was hell 'created' for?
Variation 2: Did an all-knowing God intend hell as a place for humans?

Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels: Matthew 25:41

Say unto them, As I live, saith the Lord GOD, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked turn from his way and live: turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways; for why will ye die, O house of Israel?  Ezekiel 33:11

Hell was never intended for humans.

Thank You Jesus, that when we dig in Your Word we are overwhelmed with the evidences of Your amazing love...

Sunday, February 2, 2014

The Lie

Today I'm posting a part of a pamphlet that has blessed my life...

There is a lie out in the universe,
          and in your heart,
          and mine.

                                    A lie ... about God.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

The Battle I'm In - Part 4 - Eve & Me...

Dear Jesus - speak to my heart this day of Your unfailing goodness to me.  Cause me to sing them over and over again - those wonderful words of life You speak in Your Word...

Recently, I heard someone describe a 'Columbus' journey like this:  he didn't know where he was going, didn't know where he was when he landed, and didn't know where he'd been when he left!  Of course, all along he THOUGHT he KNEW.  And because he THOUGHT he KNEW, he was COMPELLED to action.  Of course, in the end, he died never knowing the truth about where he'd been.  And this is something I very much have in common with Eve in Chapter 3 of Genesis...   Can you relate?

Friday, January 31, 2014

The Battle I'm In - Part 3 - Territories & Rules of Engagement

Dear Jesus - I praise You for the veil You have put over our eyes that protects us from the unseen.  What we SEE in life is often too hard for us to handle.  Today I ask that You will reveal to each heart that which You long for us to know most - a revelation of Your everlasting love...

We're looking at the Biblical paradigm of our lives in this series.  Thus far, we've looked at the creation of our world which was designed creatively by the Godhead and handed as a precious gift to Adam.  That's here in Part 1.  Then we looked at the antagonist in our story in Part 2.  So we know there IS an antagonist and we have an outline of how he works.  But is there more we can we know that will help us in our daily walk with Jesus - in our desire to see loved and hurting ones saved and healed?  The answer to these questions is an amazing YES!

In the previous parts of our series - we've established that our Earth was created to be the domain of Adam.  It was to have been ruled and overseen by him.  We've also seen that our adversary (Lucifer) was cast out of heaven to the earth.

In Genesis 2:9 we get a very interesting look into the idea of TERRITORIES in this epic battle between God and Lucifer:

Genesis 2:9 (CEB)
In the fertile land, the Lord God grew every beautiful tree with edible fruit, and also he grew the tree of life in the middle of the garden and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

Of course, Genesis chapter 3 recounts Eve's encounter with the tree - which we will look at in greater detail tomorrow.

God has granted Lucifer a TERRITORY on the planet Earth.  The ruler of Earth is aware of this and is educated by God about the risks surrounding it.  We recall from Part 1, that rulership of Earth is handed to Adam.  Adam is also instructed that there is this tree he is never to eat from - to ensure his own happiness because in the day he eats from it he will surely die.

In fact - as we take a moment to consider things - we can even see that this new planet is considered a TERRITORY UNDER DISPUTE.  At this point in the story, we know the Godhead is the creator of the planet and of Adam.  We know that Adam is the ruler of Earth.  However, we now see that this planet is part of a larger, overarching story line.  This storyline is one of disputed rulership.  Will beings created by God with free will choose God as their Supreme Ruler because they believe He is Love or will they choose Lucifer out of belief in his charming deceptions that in fact God is NOT love?

Yipes!  This suddenly puts us all in an uncomfortable position of being aware we are part of something much larger than my daily struggle with the alarm clock, my daily commute 'nightmare' or my battle with the M&Ms.

In this scenario - what are the key elements you can see?
  • A planet is a TERRITORY
  • The battle of Good vs Evil predated the creation of the planet Earth.
  • Earth was a planet/territory UNDER DISPUTE
  • Lucifer has limits corresponding to that territory under dispute e.g. after the war in heaven he was cast out...  Revelation 12:9 makes it emphatic stating he was cast out / cast out / cast out.  Yup - 3 times that is stated for us.
  • A human heart is a TERRITORY - Lucifer went after Eve just as much as he went after Adam even though she was not designated the 'ruler' of earth.  
Now as we consider this epic battle between good and evil, let's revisit some scriptures and see if the Holy Spirit reveals more to us about the details of the conflict.  Let's go:

Job 1:6 (KJV)
Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan came also among them.

Revelation 12:7-9 (KJV)
And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels,

8 And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven.

9 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.

Luke 8:30 (KJV)  *Note:  beautiful story of the demoniacs here...
And Jesus asked him, saying, What is thy name? And he said, Legion: because many devils were entered into him.

Matthew 26:53 (KJV)
Thinkest thou that I cannot now pray to my Father, and he shall presently give me more than twelve legions of angels?

John 18:36 (KJV)
Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence.

Sometimes, I think I get caught up in the culture and details of my life and I forget something super important.  I'm part of something bigger than myself and my own issues.  And as I ponder that, I am reminded once again of the blessings of God that veil my eyes to the truest extent of evil.  He is such a God of love He sends the rain on both the just AND the unjust.  

Check out the story below - but now with your BATTLE GLASSES on!

Luke 10:17-24 (CEB)  The Seventy-Two Return After Jesus Has Sent Them Out...
The seventy-two returned joyously, saying, “Lord, even the demons submit themselves to us in your name.”

18 Jesus replied, “I saw Satan fall from heaven like lightning. 19 Look, I have given you authority to crush snakes and scorpions underfoot. I have given you authority over all the power of the enemy. Nothing will harm you.20 Nevertheless, don’t rejoice because the spirits submit to you. Rejoice instead that your names are written in heaven.”  

<Just gotta interrupt here for a second:  Beautiful view into the heart of God here don't you agree?  See - Jesus MADE the angels, even the angels that are now with Lucifer.  There was a point in time where He had loving personal relationship with each and every one of them.  He had given them their names!   Oh beautiful spotlight on Divine Love!  Here we see how even in the midst of the great evil they have done, His heart of love still aches over their long-ago loss.  He sees our human hearts rejoice in victory over evil - and He understands that.  Never forget - He sent OUT the 72 with that very intent!  However, we get a glimpse into the overall battle as we, with the disciples, get our perspective straightened out here:  Focus on the battle - that your name is in and that you can wage war in the battle too!  Hallelujah - Jesus is OURS!>

21 At that very moment, Jesus overflowed with joy from the Holy Spirit and said, “I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you’ve hidden these things from the wise and intelligent and shown them to babies. Indeed, Father, this brings you happiness. 22 My Father has handed all things over to me. No one knows who the Son is except the Father, or who the Father is except the Son and anyone to whom the Son wants to reveal him.” 23 Turning to the disciples, he said privately, “Happy are the eyes that see what you see. 24 I assure you that many prophets and kings wanted to see what you see and hear what you hear, but they didn’t.”

Dear Jesus - I just want to praise You for Your unfailing love towards me.  I want to recommit myself this day to actively reminding myself that ALL Your ways are unbounded love towards me - especially when I don't see beyond the immediacy of pain.  Thank You Jesus for the gift of Yourself...

Thursday, January 30, 2014

The Battle I'm In - Part 2 - Two Powers

Dear Jesus - Glorify Yourself today as we seek to understand the basic dynamics of the universe we are a part of...

For Part 1 of our series - go here.  The Bible presents two opposing forces:  good and evil.  The Bible clearly states that only God is good.  In fact, when Jesus was in sinful human flesh on the earth, He Himself clearly stated:

Mark 10:18 (CEB)  (see also Luke 18:19 for the parallel story)
Jesus replied, “Why do you call me good? No one is good except the one God.

And here are just a few of the many other scriptures we could use to bolster our tenet that God indeed is good:

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

The Battle I'm In - Part 1 - Domain

Dear Jesus - Please send Your Spirit to us so that we may grasp the things of You today...

Each day we wake up and from that moment on, we are at least dimly aware of forces acting upon our lives.  Maybe the alarm failed to go off and now we are late.  Maybe the baby kept us up all night.  Perhaps the sun is shining and everything goes perfectly and we feel very full of good fortune.  We all have very personal examples of scenarios at the more drastic end of the spectrum.

As we navigate the moments in our lives, are we really left to fate?  The good moments we are almost ready to discount as they frequently seem heavily outweighed by the not-so-good moments.  Are we sitting in a canoe riding down the river of life with our only option being to periodically dip our paddles in the water and hope a change of direction occurs?  And what about the age-old question 'why do bad things happen to good people' - is there really no answer to that or is this even the right question?  Was Benjamin Franklin right when he said 'God helps those who help themselves.'?  <uh, no he was NOT right about that!  see Romans 5:8.>

A believer in God confronts these questions and does not seek to minimize them.  This series seeks to uncover what the Bible paradigm for our lives is.  <spoiler alert - it's a great one!>

Proverbs - A Kaleidoscope of Wisdom...

Dear Jesus - Please open our eyes to see the creative beauty You used when designing the book of Proverbs...

There are many Bible reading or devotional plans that incorporate the Proverbs.  Typical devotions will contain a sequential chapter selection and then end with a Psalms as well as a Proverbs selection.  There is a depression recovery program that recommends 1 chapter of Proverbs every day of the month - restarting each month.  I've participated in both types.  However, this read-thru of Proverbs has been unexpectedly blessed.  The book seems arranged as a series of snowflakes layered upon each other with delicate interconnections.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Brain Teasers! Biblical or Not?

We know now that the basic proposition of the worth and dignity of man is not a sentimental aspiration or a vain hope or a piece of rhetoric. It is the strongest, most creative force now present in this world.  Harry S. Truman, 33 President of the United States (1945-53)

This quote is comprised of 2 parts.  The second sentence is clearly humanistic as it places the worth and dignity of man as the most creative force present in our world.  However - let's re-examine the first sentence...  What does the Bible say about the worth and dignity of man?

Friday, January 24, 2014

Friday - Week in Review!

How Great is Our God!
This week I was blessed in countless ways - but here are just a few favorites to share!

At the point where I was ready to sink into frustration about my spiritual walk, this pamphlet literally was thrust into my hands.  Within 30 minutes I was praising God for hearing the cry of my heart and preparing a 'just in time' answer!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Perfection = Holy-Spirit Convicted Obedience

Perfection = Holy-Spirit Convicted Obedience

Therefore, it will come in as many 'flavors' as there are hearts.  This is why there is no value in putting our focus on the issue of 'perfection' - not our perfection or anyone else's...

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

I Need a Better Brain...

Actually - I need a perfect brain...

Matthew 5:48 (NKJV)
48 Therefore you shall be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect.

Here is the problem.  My mind is not perfect.  You, doubtless, need no convincing of that fact on either my behalf OR yours!  

Let's have the Word speak for Himself- and He does.  In fact, we easily relate to David's verse in Psalm 51:5 when he says, "Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me."  After David, there is further indication this foundational reality was well-understood by the people of the Bible.  Jeremiah says in Jeremiah 17:9 "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?"  

In a sort of awful crescendo, Jesus Himself sums up the problem in Matthew 12:34/Luke 6:45 (NASB): 

A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that what is good; and the evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth what is evil; for his mouth speaks from that which fills his heart.

And finally - Matthew 19:17/Mark 10:18/Luke 18:19 seals the deal:

And Jesus said to him, “Why do you call Me good? No one is good except God alone.

What to do?

Step 2 - Allow gratitude and praise to come forth thereby bringing the Living Christ in giving you the Mind of Jesus!

Psalms 22:3  But Thou art holy, O Thou that inhabitest the praises of Israel.

Beautiful and sublime truth!  When I praise, God inhabits/dwells/sits/sets up shop in my MIND!  As this act of Divinity occurs, I receive His thoughts, His feelings, His motives.  My mind is - bit by bit - transformed physiologically underscoring the reality of Romans 12:2

2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.

A blissful additional benefit?  Knowing the will of God!

Thank You Jesus that I need not stumble around this decrepit world in darkness and sin.  Thank You for promising to give me the mind of Jesus!  Reveal that reality to me today....

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Fasting For Deliverance & Revival - Day 21 - Revived But Not To Work...

21 Days of Prayer & Fasting ends today! January has never been such a powerful month in my life.  I'm excited to discern the blessings and guidance Jesus has for me in 2014. How about you? 

At times like these, sometimes whispers crowd our minds with thoughts like this: This is just a spiritual high, soon you will be back to 'normal'. Get ready for the yo-yo.

Perhaps different thoughts crowd in - I've been REVIVED!  Now, let me get to work!

To all the whispers, let us hold fast the words of Jesus:

Monday, January 20, 2014

Fasting For Deliverance & Revival - Day 20

There once was a beautiful baby boy born into a home of royal privilege.  It may have seemed to him that with his 'coming of age' birthday celebration, the world changed.  He was thrust into the fast-lane of walking in the Spirit.  Part of the royal family, his own family turned even more towards their God for strength and wisdom.  He heard about a prophet giving words of certain doom for his city, advocating surrender to the enemy and he strove to understand what it all meant.  Though it wasn't popular, his family believed the prophet.  With a tender heart of love for his God, the young man took in the words of the prophet he read from the books procured by his family.  He purposed in his heart to serve his God always no matter what...

Now, nearly 70 years later, the man was approaching his 90's.  Still planted firmly in the political turmoils of the world, his fervor for God matured into passionate love for his people, he turned again to the precious books - the scrolls of Jeremiah - to find guidance for his people...

Daniel 9:2-3 (NKJV)
2 in the first year of his reign I, Daniel, understood by the books the number of the years specified by the word of the Lord through Jeremiah the prophet, that He would accomplish seventy years in the desolations of Jerusalem.

3 Then I set my face toward the Lord God to make request by prayer and supplications, with fasting, sackcloth, and ashes.

Having lived prominently upon the world stage, the old man cared not for the world.  His earliest hopes and dreams thoroughly and cruelly destroyed, his heart was wholly for His God and His people.  Hear him and join in as he begins to pray with trembling heart and voice:

Daniel 9:4-19 (NKJV)
4 And I prayed to the Lord my God, and made confession, and said, “O Lord, great and awesome God, who keeps His covenant and mercy with those who love Him, and with those who keep His commandments, 5 we have sinned and committed iniquity, we have done wickedly and rebelled, even by departing from Your precepts and Your judgments. 6 Neither have we heeded Your servants the prophets, who spoke in Your name to our kings and our princes, to our fathers and all the people of the land. 7 O Lord, righteousness belongs to You, but to us shame of face, as it is this day—to the men of Judah, to the inhabitants of Jerusalem and all Israel, those near and those far off in all the countries to which You have driven them, because of the unfaithfulness which they have committed against You.

8 “O Lord, to us belongs shame of face, to our kings, our princes, and our fathers, because we have sinned against You. 9 To the Lord our God belong mercy and forgiveness, though we have rebelled against Him. 10 We have not obeyed the voice of the Lord our God, to walk in His laws, which He set before us by His servants the prophets. 11 Yes, all Israel has transgressed Your law, and has departed so as not to obey Your voice; therefore the curse and the oath written in the Law of Moses the servant of God have been poured out on us, because we have sinned against Him. 12 And He has confirmed His words, which He spoke against us and against our judges who judged us, by bringing upon us a great disaster; for under the whole heaven such has never been done as what has been done to Jerusalem.

13 “As it is written in the Law of Moses, all this disaster has come upon us; yet we have not made our prayer before the Lord our God, that we might turn from our iniquities and understand Your truth. 14 Therefore the Lord has kept the disaster in mind, and brought it upon us; for the Lord our God is righteous in all the works which He does, though we have not obeyed His voice. 15 And now, O Lord our God, who brought Your people out of the land of Egypt with a mighty hand, and made Yourself a name, as it is this day—we have sinned, we have done wickedly!

16 “O Lord, according to all Your righteousness, I pray, let Your anger and Your fury be turned away from Your city Jerusalem, Your holy mountain; because for our sins, and for the iniquities of our fathers, Jerusalem and Your people are a reproach to all those around us.17 Now therefore, our God, hear the prayer of Your servant, and his supplications, and for the Lord’s sake cause Your face to shine on Your sanctuary, which is desolate. 18 O my God, incline Your ear and hear; open Your eyes and see our desolations, and the city which is called by Your name; for we do not present our supplications before You because of our righteous deeds, but because of Your great mercies. 19 O Lord, hear! O Lord, forgive! O Lord, listen and act! Do not delay for Your own sake, my God, for Your city and Your people are called by Your name.”

We agree with you in prayer, Daniel.  Amen....

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Fasting For Deliverance & Revival - Day 19 - Elijah & Me...

James 5:17 (NKJV)

17 Elijah was a man with a nature like ours, and he prayed earnestly that it would not rain; and it did not rain on the land for three years and six months.

What is your favorite part of the Elijah story?  Seeing him, in your mind's eye, marching into Ahab's court?  Finding Ahab alone in the countryside hunting for food for the remaining court animals?  Commanding the fire to come down from heaven?

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Fasting & Prayer - Day 18 - Rejoicing In God-Given Results

Consider how you have experienced the outpouring of the Holy Spirit during the past ten days. This Sabbath is an opportunity to rejoice in what He has done, is doing, and will do

What has God done for you over the last 10 days, over the last 18 days?  Read through the passage below and close your eyes, imagining yourself in the presence of the smiling Jesus today...

Taken from the book Early Writings, pg. 78-80...
I dreamed of seeing a temple to which many people were flocking. Only those who took refuge in that temple would be saved when time should close. All who remained outside would be forever lost. The multitudes without, who were going their various ways, were deriding and ridiculing those who were entering the temple, and told them that this plan of safety was a cunning deception, that, in fact, there was no danger whatever to avoid. They even laid hold of some to prevent them from hastening within the walls. 
Fearing to be laughed at and ridiculed, I thought best to wait until the multitude were dispersed, or until I could enter unobserved by them. But the numbers increased instead of diminishing, and fearful of being too late, I hastily left my home and pressed through the crowd. In my anxiety to reach the temple I did not notice or care for the throng that surrounded me. On entering the building, I saw that the vast temple was supported by one immense pillar, and to this was tied a Lamb all mangled and bleeding. We who were present seemed to know that this Lamb had been torn and bruised on our account. All who entered the temple must come before it and confess their sins. 
Just before the Lamb were elevated seats upon which sat a company of people looking very happy. The light of heaven seemed to shine upon their faces, and they praised God and sang songs of glad thanksgiving that seemed to be like the music of angels. These were they who had come before the Lamb, confessed their sins, been pardoned, and were now waiting in glad expectation of some joyful event. 
Even after having entered the building a fear came over me and a sense of shame that I must humiliate myself before these people. But I seemed compelled to move forward, and was slowly making my way around the pillar in order to face the Lamb, when a trumpet sounded, the temple shook, shouts of triumph arose from the assembled saints, an awful brightness illuminated the building, then all was intense darkness. The happy people had all disappeared with the brightness, and I was left alone in the silent horror of night. 
I awoke in agony of mind and could hardly convince myself that I had been dreaming. It seemed to me that my doom was fixed, that the Spirit of the Lord had left me, never to return. My despondency deepened, if that were possible. 
Soon after this I had another dream. I seemed to be sitting in abject despair, with my face in my hands, reflecting like this: If Jesus were upon earth, I would go to Him, throw myself at His feet, and tell Him all my sufferings. He would not turn away from me, He would have mercy upon me, and I should love and serve Him always. Just then the door opened, and a person of beautiful form and countenance entered. He looked upon me pityingly and said: “Do you wish to see Jesus? He is here and you can see Him if you desire to do so. Take everything you possess and follow me.” 
I heard this with unspeakable joy, and gladly gathered up all my little possessions, every treasured trinket, and followed my guide. He led me to a steep and apparently frail stairway. As I commenced to ascend the steps, he cautioned me to keep my eyes fixed upward, lest I should grow dizzy and fall. Many others who were climbing up the steep ascent fell before gaining the top. 
Finally we reached the last step and stood before the door. Here my guide directed me to leave all the things that I had brought with me. I cheerfully laid them down; he then opened the door and bade me enter. In a moment I stood before Jesus. There was no mistaking that beautiful countenance. Such a radiant expression of benevolence and majesty could belong to no other. As His gaze rested upon me, I knew at once that He was acquainted with every circumstance of my life and all my inner thoughts and feelings. 
I tried to shield myself from His gaze, feeling unable to endure His searching eyes, but He drew near with a smile, and, laying His hand upon my head, said: “Fear not.” The sound of His sweet voice thrilled my heart with a happiness it had never before experienced. I was too joyful to utter a word, but, overcome with ineffable happiness, sank prostrate at His feet. While I was lying helpless there, scenes of beauty and glory passed before me, and I seemed to have reached the safety and peace of heaven. At length my strength returned, and I arose. The loving eyes of Jesus were still upon me, and His smile filled my soul with gladness. His presence filled me with holy reverence and an inexpressible love.

Father - cause me ever to remember You are love....

Friday, January 17, 2014

Fasting & Prayer - Day 17 - Pleading For the Spirit

Pleading For the Spirit - Today's Theme.  3 days a week, my prayer partner and I text each other to agree on a time to meet for a few minutes.  We review the day's chapter from then we pray together.

On this day?  I got nothing.  Nada.  Zip.  That's what I said when my prayer partner and I met on the phone to review our Bible chapter reading for the day.  She laughed and then told me the verses that had caught her eye.  Nothing earth-shattering.  Just - I found verse 2 interesting.  Verse 2.  Had to go back and look - what WAS verse 2 anyway?  Hmmmm....

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Fasting & Prayer - Day 16 - Unlimited Power

Unlimited Power - Today's Theme.  January 30, 2013 in Alabama a 5-year old boy named Ethan is taken hostage - dragged off a school bus by the gunman and held in an under-ground bunker.  Horrifying.  Obviously most traumatic to his family, friends, and community.  But also to mothers of 5-year old boys everywhere.  My Timothy was 15 days from turning 5.  My sweet, happy, beautiful, prayed-for boy.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Fasting & Prayer - Day 15 - Victory In Jesus!

Victory In Jesus! - Today's Theme.  What do you think - in the secret place of your own heart:  Is Satan more powerful to tempt you to sin than Jesus is to save you from sin?  Would it be more accurate to couch the sentence this way:  I have struggled for so long to overcome ________ that I am tired and ready to give up and I don't understand why I don't have victory.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

I Come to The Cross This Day...

I knew I should 'come to the cross' every day - but frankly, it just wasn't a subject that I was attracted to.  It represented pain, my failures, everything negative.  So I prayed - Lord, draw me to Your cross.

A couple of months passed.  Then I learned the really good news about the cross - there were real tangible benefits for me!  Check them out for yourself here.  Now I'm excited in the morning to come to the cross.  Join me?

Fasting For Our Prodigals - Day 14 - Clean Hands, Pure Heart

Clean Hands, Pure Heart - Today's Theme.  On Day 12, we talked about the devil's end-game.  Unlike a lot of us, he knows God's Word is truth and knows his time is short.  So, the plan is very simple - deception.  Take as many humans out as possible - thereby causing the loving Creator-God the greatest pain possible.  Do it using any means necessary to hide the matchless love of the character of  God.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Fasting & Prayer - Day 12 - Walking In Step With Jesus

Walking In Step With Jesus - Today's Theme.  Have you considered the end-game of the devil?  Seriously.  What is it?  That's right.  He doesn't HAVE ONE.  Of all beings, He believes God's word and He KNOWS his end is coming.   We're dealing with a bunch of psychotic beings with a single intent - to take as many humans out with them as possible.  Period.  This is done through the single deception that God is not love.  That His character is harsh, demanding, punitive, anything BUT loving.  God's will is NOT done on earth as it is in heaven and that is why.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Fasting & Prayer - Day 11 - Kingdom Work First

Kingdom Work First - Today's Theme.  How do I think about heaven compared to today's living experience?  Do I compartmentalize them?  Do I say:  Heaven is gonna be great!  No more sin, temptation, no more sorrow - I can't WAIT for that!  I'm gonna be perfect there, I won't have to worry about making bad decisions or choosing the chocolate too many days in a row.  <sigh>  Now, back to reality.  (And reality - is this the best life possible?)

Friday, January 10, 2014

Fasting & Prayer - Day 10 - Name Above All Names

Name Above All Names - Today's Theme.  What does this mean actually - really - literally?  I sing the song Your Name but what does it mean for me when Proverbs says so poetically and beautifully:

Proverbs 18:10 (NKJV)
10 The name of the Lord is a strong tower;
The righteous run to it and are safe.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Fasting & Prayer - Day 9 - Children of The King

Children of The King - Today's Theme.  I am a child of the King.  Who are the other children?   Wait - is that really like the question in Luke 10 about who is 'my neighbour' in the age-old story of the Good Samaritan?

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Fasting & Prayer - Day 8 - The Secret of His Power

The Secret of His Power - This is today's theme.

I had been fasting - a total fast - and my energy was spent.  My employment demanded all my mental focus and physical energy - and that was now gone.  Totally used up.  In fact, a headache was just dancing in the background.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Fasting & Prayer - Day 7 - A Corporate Fast

Jan 8 This will be a day set aside for prayer and fasting which coincides with the opening night of the SDA-churchwide 10 Days of Prayer.

There have been many corporate fasts declared before.  But this one touches me in a profound sense.  In fact, Jeremiah 36 gives me goose-bumps as I read it in this context.  You see, Jeremiah declared or called a fast for the people of God.  Not the king.  In fact - as you read through the Biblical account, the purpose of the fast was to give the king and the people yet another chance to repent but the king acts in direct defiance by destroying the scroll with the message from God!

Monday, January 6, 2014

Fasting & Prayer - Types of Fasts

There are all kinds of fasts.  Here is a good summary taken from Jentezen Franklin's 2011 Connection magazine, page 11-12. 

FULL FAST:  Drink only liquids - especially water.  On this type of fast you may also take in clear broth and 100 percent fruit and vegetable juices in order to maintain your strength.  You establish the number of days for your fast in your prayer time.

Fasting & Prayer - Day 6 - Angst...

A fast without prayer is a diet, a cleanse, a detox - but it is not spiritual fasting.  That reality hit me pretty hard.  What a fast does, however, is strip away the layers between me and God.  Pretty soon I am staring at the reality of what stands between us.  It takes my breath away.  Really.  To consider that possibly I am willing to DO anything EXCEPT settle in quietness and with intention spend time listening to God - well that is a shocking revelation.  In fact, it is the type of revelation that propels me right back towards 'DO'.  Surely there is something else I can DO?