Monday, March 31, 2014

The Cure for My Spiritual Stupidity...

Dear Jesus - Create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me for Thou hast promised!

I've spent HOURS (HOURS I tell ya!) writing a blog post about a subject that is best summed up in a few lines from 2 different authors...  So - I figured - why not just post what they say?

One day a while back, I 'woke up'.  By this I mean to say, it sunk in that attending church every weekend, mid-week service, and doing my 15-minute daily devotions was NOT changing my life. I was not seeing victory on a daily basis, or even a monthly basis!  I had but to consider my immediate household relationships to see room for victory.  And to look for real victory - I'd have to rewind great swaths of my lifetime.  This bothered me - thank God!

It seems Jesus causes our spirits to need, even crave Him - and then change comes.  Fortunately, my husband arranged for us to attend ARME Bible Camp and there I first TASTED the Word.  Finally I could see how studying the Bible could really work in a life-changing, supernatural way. The experience was sweet and it changed my life.

Upon returning from that experience, I realized I needed to DIG the Word.  Thank God He is desperately trying to be found by us!

And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed. Romans 13:11.

Now - here is the quote that perfectly describes me effect to root-cause:

God does not force any man into His service. Every soul must decide for himself whether or not he will fall on the Rock and be broken. Heaven has been amazed to see the spiritual stupidity that has prevailed. You need individually to open your proud hearts to the Spirit of God, You need to have your intellectual ability sanctified to the service of God. The transforming power of God must be upon you, that your minds may be renewed by the Holy Spirit, that you may have the mind that was in Christ. .—The Review and Herald, December 24, 1889.

But - I am NOT discouraged!  The Bible tells me that ALL the virgins were sleeping!  Praise God He still has keeping power over us sleeping ones!  And here's the quote that I try VERY much to practice daily.  (May I just say - it has never failed to reward me either!)  This quote is from a now-deceased minister as he introduces a series of lessons.  I've emphasized the critical parts:

We recommend to you, our student, a review of this introductory lesson. You will receive much benefit thereby. This is what we do with important lessons or sermons. We review them several times. We even drill ourselves on the principles taught. Try doing this. The second, third, or fourth review will do more for you than the first reading.  We suggest that when in a prayer circle with a few friends, you discuss the lesson together. Each one present will discuss what was particularly helpful to him (her). By repetition the mind holds the truths presented.  Glenn Coon - The Science of Prayer Its ABCs, pg. 12.
You - gentle reader - are one of my 'repetitions'!  :-) 

Thank You Jesus, that we never need grow stale in our walk with You.  I praise You for the blessings You pour out daily upon me through Your Word....

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