Monday, March 3, 2014

The Battle at Work...

Dear Jesus - Today, please recreate our eyes to see our world, our lives as You see us...

Work.  There is a reason that is a different word entirely from the word 'VACATION'!  Ever had a work hassle?  Issue?  Ever been involved or responsible for a project that you could clearly see was headed south and it caused you anxiety?  If not - praise the Lord!  Hopefully my story will prepare you for that eventuality!

So I'm not having fun at work.  Wretched situation.  Fantasizing about time off - ANY time off.  Communication a big fat ZERO.  I'm frosted.  And the Mr. says to me:  We battle not against flesh and blood but against...?  And I think...

Hmmmm...  And it takes time.  More time than I'd like to admit.  Each meeting I attend - I now spend time monitoring my internal 'fire'.  I start rehearsing my lines:  I battle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities...  Here's the actual verse:

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. 
 Ephesians 6:12

Slowly it gets easier.  I perceive my triggers going off - I go to my SWORD, I recite the verse.  I remind Jesus this is His battle.  I'm very focused on me, my heart, my response.

But then - an amazingly beautiful thing happens!  I realize there is SO much more to my employment than me!  More than an employment contract and a paycheck!  It happened like this:

VACATION!  Woohoo!

Time away complete - I return to work.  First day back in the office.  DELUGED by horror stories for the first 2 HOURS!  A co-worker tells me:  It is amazing we get anything built our processes are so messed up!  Another co-worker - eagerly anticipating retirement - laments:  Things haven't been this bad in the entire duration of my employment!  I am amazed at how drastically things generally went off the rails in 4 short days.

However, my response?  In conversation with my colleagues, I laugh, I point out the irony and humor in the situations, I encourage.  Inside my head:  I'm AMAZED at my response.  It is like I am untouched by this onslaught of - uh - DARKNESS.  Hey - that's exactly what it is!  DARKNESS!  Rulers of the darkness have been at work!  Bells jangle in my head - I can DO something about this!

Slowly it dawns on me - my presence in the office brings with it a covering of peace, a protection to my coworkers from the rulers of the darkness!!!  Not by virtue of anything I have done - but because of who Jesus is!  Each morning we talk on the way into the building.  I ask Him to accompany me, to change hearts and minds in the building and the companies herein represented to bring honor and glory to Him.  I ask for the Holy Spirit, the angels, Jesus and the Father to accompany me as I move throughout my day in the office.  I know it is in His will to do this and I believe He does!  And they do!  In fact, THIS very morning, my first day back in the office, I have again requested His presence.  And I am confident He is with me.

With all the rantings and discouragements out of the way, an amazing thing happens as I observe and begin to work through my backlog of emails.  Hey - my backlog isn't bad at all!  It is as though my corner of work has been untouched.  A colleague reconnects - his issues from the past 4 days are now resolved.  In fact, each person's issues are resolved in about an hour from our conversation!  Things have returned to a relative state of "normal"!  I quickly leave my desk, find a quiet spot and burst into praise to the Father of lights from whom all blessings flow!

Truly Father God, You are worthy of ALL PRAISE!  I thank You for Your goodness to the children of men.  I praise You for the blessing my employment is to my family as well as to ME!  I confess all the times I have complained about it because I couldn't see outside of my own self-interest.  Please continue to minister to my co-workers and grow me so You can use me to reach them.  Thank You for Your heart of love that never grows weary....

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