Tuesday, January 14, 2014

I Come to The Cross This Day...

I knew I should 'come to the cross' every day - but frankly, it just wasn't a subject that I was attracted to.  It represented pain, my failures, everything negative.  So I prayed - Lord, draw me to Your cross.

A couple of months passed.  Then I learned the really good news about the cross - there were real tangible benefits for me!  Check them out for yourself here.  Now I'm excited in the morning to come to the cross.  Join me?

Jesus – I praise You that, afresh today, I meet the conditions for Your grace and You freely bestow it on my because I am: (For example:  I am weak, I WANTED to obey, but then I eagerly zoomed headlong into ________.)

· Weak/helpless/without strength – Romans 5:6
· Ungodly – Romans 5:6
· Sinner – Romans 5:8
· Enemy of God – Romans 5:10

Father, I praise You that I can now confess! I confess that I struggle with how to handle my moments of mistakes. The times I fail.  But I still choose to move into belief.  I believe Your arms of love are stretched out now enveloping me. So with courage I look to the cross. I believe that when Jesus uttered the words Father, Why have You forsaken Me? It was because as You looked upon Jesus, You saw me – my name, my sins hanging there. (imagine the Father seeing my sinful thoughts/feelings/actions hanging on the cross) Through Jesus' strength, I choose not to punish myself or to give into the horrendous focus on self through discouragement.

Instead Father, I ask that You grant me the capacity for gratitude at this moment to realize that I receive the benefits of Jesus’ atoning death right now! Today!

1. The Judge of the Universe declares me Just! (Declared Righteous) – Romans 5:9
2. I have been Reconciled and considered an enemy no longer! – Romans 5:10
3. My own Personal Demonstration of God’s love has been shown me! – Romans 5:8
4. I've been Redeemed – I've been purchased back – like when Boaz ‘redeemed’ Ruth! Eph. 1:7
5. The one-time death of Jesus is my for-all-time sacrifice! It is my Sanctification! Heb. 10:10
6. I’ve been declared Perfect forever! (It is a Divine attribute bestowed upon me!) Heb. 10:14
7. I am Free from Condemnation, Guilt - Hallelujah!  Rom. 8:1-3
8. I am free from the fear of death! The evil one is powerless over me! Heb. 2:14-15
9. Jesus is daily saving me by living His perfect life out within me! (Victory!) Romans 5:10
10. (add additional ones)

Father, in Jesus name, I ask You for the gift of repentance and to help me Consider/Reckon/Believe that I am dead to sin today and alive to God because Jesus lives His perfect life in me today. Romans 6:11.  Gladly, I put on the Mind of Christ and I Thank You Jesus that You will NEVER leave me or forsake me and that the Spirit LIVES to make intercession for me!

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