Friday, January 17, 2014

Fasting & Prayer - Day 17 - Pleading For the Spirit

Pleading For the Spirit - Today's Theme.  3 days a week, my prayer partner and I text each other to agree on a time to meet for a few minutes.  We review the day's chapter from then we pray together.

On this day?  I got nothing.  Nada.  Zip.  That's what I said when my prayer partner and I met on the phone to review our Bible chapter reading for the day.  She laughed and then told me the verses that had caught her eye.  Nothing earth-shattering.  Just - I found verse 2 interesting.  Verse 2.  Had to go back and look - what WAS verse 2 anyway?  Hmmmm....
Out of basic conversational courtesy really, I responded something to the effect of:  Oh right, I can see that...

And over the course of 15 minutes we chatted about the chapter.  When there was no more chatting - one of us said: Maybe we should pray now?  So we did.  One at a time.  I hung up.  30 minutes - done.  Back to my desk.

Once again, I found myself marveling at how I could enter that time with nothing - I mean NOTHING - and leave feeling refreshed, buoyed, reconnected spiritually.

One day I mentioned this to my prayer partner.  She laughed and said - I thought that was just ME!  Together we came to the awareness of the beautiful softness and gentleness of the Holy Spirit during our times together.  Yes - it still takes being intentional to meet.  EVERY SINGLE TIME it is worth it and the Lord gives me the strength/discipline to do it.

Sunday morning Bible Study.  EVERY SINGLE TIME it is an effort to go.  We just barely make it with a minute to spare.  After a year.  And yet?  EVERY SINGLE TIME it is worth it.  I am blessed and so glad I went.  Our Sunday goes more gently - the Spirit is renewed in our hearts as a family.

Tuesday/Wednesday/Friday 6:00am prayer time.  EVERY time - it takes an effort and the temptation to sleep lurks at the edge of my consciousness...  EVERY time - I hang up really glad I attended.

Roger's Tuesday Noon prayer time.  EVERY single time - work commitments cause me to think it will be impossible to attend.  In fact, I had to take the time to completely redo my work schedule and cancel meetings to signal to the evil one I had a made-up-mind about this.  Now, I claim His Word in Psalms 55:17-18.  I remind myself God is my employer, my king and I go.  EVERY time - I am blessed.

Dear Jesus - Your Spirit is amazing.  It is soft, gentle, consistent, loving, persistent not pushy - and I praise You for that.  I confess I need Your strength, Your discipline.  In fact, I need You to keep me close to You!  Reveal Yourself to me today afresh.  Bring me into an accountable spiritual relationship with someone for 2014 and I thank You for doing for me what I cannot do for myself....

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