Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Fasting & Prayer - Day 7 - A Corporate Fast

Jan 8 This will be a day set aside for prayer and fasting which coincides with the opening night of the SDA-churchwide 10 Days of Prayer.  http://www.tendaysofprayer.org/

There have been many corporate fasts declared before.  But this one touches me in a profound sense.  In fact, Jeremiah 36 gives me goose-bumps as I read it in this context.  You see, Jeremiah declared or called a fast for the people of God.  Not the king.  In fact - as you read through the Biblical account, the purpose of the fast was to give the king and the people yet another chance to repent but the king acts in direct defiance by destroying the scroll with the message from God!

Was this a disaster?  From a human perspective, it certainly doesn't look like a successful corporate fast.  And yet I don't think it is too great a stretch to connect this fast to the life of Daniel and his three friends who are soon taken captive and sent to Babylon.  We can be sure that God set about to prepare the hearts of His people for the huge shift in the political fortunes of Israel well in advance of the first Babylonian conquest.

To me, Jeremiah 36 shouts at the importance of my personal willingness to participate, to act in unity, with God's chosen bride on this earth which is His church.  Yes, I have a personal walk - and I stand alone before the judgement seat of God.  However, as I stand with His bride, He pours out the special blessing of the Holy Spirit therein assuring that while I may be a sleeping virgin, I am one with oil in my lamp.

Thank You Jesus for the opportunity to participate in the marriage supper of the Lamb!  Thank You that I get a role to play!  You looked from eternity past through to eternity future and made a spot for me!  I praise You for that....

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