Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Fasting & Prayer - Day 15 - Victory In Jesus!

Victory In Jesus! - Today's Theme.  What do you think - in the secret place of your own heart:  Is Satan more powerful to tempt you to sin than Jesus is to save you from sin?  Would it be more accurate to couch the sentence this way:  I have struggled for so long to overcome ________ that I am tired and ready to give up and I don't understand why I don't have victory.

We've looked at victory here.  It's a great and endless subject.  This morning we went to the cross and it looked something like this. But sometimes, the subject of victory gets a little "mental" and not enough "physical" and we get ourselves aimed straight for the weeds.

Pssst!  Can I share a secret?  A 1-day experiment.  There will be a WAY of ESCAPE!  Yes!  You are right - that IS cool!  So today - shh!  You're getting too excited...  Today - we will LOOK for the WAY OF ESCAPE.  Got it?  Ok....

1 Corinthians 10:13 (NASB)
No temptation has overtaken you but such as is common to man; and God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will provide the way of escape also, so that you will be able to endure it.

Any temptation that overtakes you is common to man.  Kinda exciting really, to realize the psychotic evil angels have limits placed on their tempting abilities.

Hey wait - what were those requirements for receiving GRACE again?  Right:  weak/helpless/without strength/sinner/ungodly/enemy of God - HEY God ALREADY knows I'm weak!  That's exactly WHY in His great love He says well, with every temptation there MUST BE a WAY OF ESCAPE provided!!!  Doesn't it make you want to jump up & down, sing a little song, do a little holy dance?  That is INCREDIBLE NEWS!

Dear Jesus - Give me eyes to see the ways of escape You provide for me as I go through this day covered in Your spotless robe of righteousness.  And with gratitude I praise You that should I stumble because the seed of victory You've planted in my heart isn't fully grown yet, I can run into Your outstretched arms of love and confess.  Your love is amazing and I praise You for that....

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