Saturday, January 25, 2014

Brain Teasers! Biblical or Not?

We know now that the basic proposition of the worth and dignity of man is not a sentimental aspiration or a vain hope or a piece of rhetoric. It is the strongest, most creative force now present in this world.  Harry S. Truman, 33 President of the United States (1945-53)

This quote is comprised of 2 parts.  The second sentence is clearly humanistic as it places the worth and dignity of man as the most creative force present in our world.  However - let's re-examine the first sentence...  What does the Bible say about the worth and dignity of man?

Psalm 8:1-5 (CEB)
For the music leader. According to the Gittith. A psalm of David.
8 Lord, our Lord, how majestic
is your name throughout the earth!
You made your glory higher than heaven!
2 From the mouths of nursing babies
you have laid a strong foundation
because of your foes,
in order to stop vengeful enemies.
3 When I look up at your skies,
at what your fingers made—
the moon and the stars
that you set firmly in place—
that you think about them;
what are human beings
that you pay attention to them?
5 You’ve made them only slightly less than divine,
crowning them with glory and grandeur.

Proverbs 18:14 (CEB)
14 The human spirit sustains a sick person,
but who can bear a broken spirit?

Psalm 33:8-9 (CEB)
8 All the earth honors the Lord;
all the earth’s inhabitants stand in awe of him.
9 Because when he spoke, it happened!
When he commanded, there it was!

When I began this little challenge, I thought this was a pretty good quote...  Now?  Well, having dug in the WORD, I am happy to reject it from my thoughts!  God is clearly the strongest and most creative force in this world!  And He loves man SO much - He created us just a 'lil lower than the angels!  Wow...  Thank You Jesus!

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