Saturday, January 4, 2014

Fasting - Day 4 - Being Intentional...

God knows the heart - praise the Lord for that!  However, it seems to me that the more intentional I am about wanting to be close to God the more He wants me to see His presence specifically.  Therefore, writing with specificity comes to mind.  What does this mean?

- Write down my fasting plan
- Jot down some specific items to spend time in prayer about
- Note the personal interactions I have with God on a daily basis

Sometimes this is best done through following a fasting devotional.  Here is a link to a magazine containing 21 days of fasting journals at the end.  These provide a degree of focus to the fast.  Good stuff...

Fasting Plan:
Total Fast - Day 1-3 (ending in Agape Supper at church)
I need to review a calendar of prayer events to determine the rest!  I'll post this as it comes...

Specific Personal Prayer Items (in no particular order):
Direction for my husband's employment
Jesus-centered confidence for my son
Deliverance for a specific friend from a specific memory/incident
The outpouring of the Holy Spirit in my family and in my church family in marked fashion during this 21 days including the larger 10 Days Praying for Rain (Jan 8-18).
The direction of Jesus regarding the Victory in Jesus classes at church
The desires of my heart.

Now, you may rightly point out that the last 2 items are rather general.  However, I will specifically ask God to show me His answer in regard to those items so I can see His answer.  That helps it be specific.  Also - I happen to know there will be specific days where the focus is, for example, Praying for the Lost.  And so I have not included those items here.

For several years now, I have made a list in January of the specific physical items I think I want to purchase or own during the year.  At the end of the year, it is fun to go back to the list and see how Jesus has supplied the items on that list.  So here - that list is referred to as 'the desires of my heart'.   I'll keep you posted on this one... :-)

Personal Interaction:
Dear Jesus, today I see You are revealing to me something You would like me to turn over to You.  It seems so small, so insignificant.  And yet - it keeps intruding upon my fast.  And I don't like that.  I don't want my time with You intruded upon.  I praise You for revealing it to me and I ask You to take it.  To heal me of whatever the cause for this is.  That I may praise You more fully...

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