Wednesday, March 19, 2014

The Sweet Blessings of Obedience...

How my son Timothy came to be at Tualatin Valley Academy is a story already told. But suffice it to say it was NOT a foregone conclusion that he would attend that school for the 2013-2014 school year.  So why did he end up there?  In the end, the answer is pretty simple – Jesus asked me to send him there and then gave me strength to obey. And I’m so glad I did. This may sound simple – but to me it was a HUGE deal. My BABY! No school is perfect just as no church is perfect – because none of us IN it are perfect. But God IS perfect! And praise the Lord His love is so much a part of who He is that He cannot help but respond tenderly to us – His fallen weak creatures.

It is one thing to obey. It is another thing to live daily in obedience with a thankful heart fully acknowledging that God’s ways are always BEST and FULL of BLESSING. And that has been my experience this year. There have been some days I have been tempted to be obedient from a grudging heart. It has nothing to do with the school – everything to do with me. My attitude. What I think about God and His goodness as it is demonstrated to me. And do you know how Jesus has dealt with me during this time?  Patiently. Lovingly.

One Friday morning early in the school year, James mentioned he would probably stay for a bit at Tim’s class to see how things were going. I found that a bit odd – things were going well – why not just head out into the day? I went on to work and a few hours later received an amazing text – a picture of Timothy sitting at a Communion table in the shape of a cross with his classmates.   I learned later, the older children served the younger ones without even being asked! My baby was learning this amazing lesson and was able to participate – something he has ALWAYS wanted to do – with his classmates, his teacher and big friends David and Jacob he knows from church! Oh how it warmed my heart! In that moment, it was as though Jesus had reached out and put his arms around me and given me the specific gift He knew would touch me as though to say – See, how much I love YOU? How much more do you think I love YOUR son?

Just a couple of weeks ago we were all in the car driving somewhere and from the front seat, James asked Timothy: "Why do you love your school?"  Tim replied: "Because I learn about Jesus there."  That was not sufficient for Daddy.  James said, "No, that’s what Mommy says. Why do YOU love your school?"  Timothy thought a moment and then said: "Because Ms. Chadwick loves us."  James pressed further – "How do you KNOW Ms. Chadwick loves you?"  Tim thought another moment and then replied – "Because she does nice things for us and teaches us about Jesus and how He loves us."

Once more my heart was warmed thoroughly. The last chains of – I need to manage this/I need to plan this/I need to be responsible for this – dropped away and I was free. The love of Jesus demonstrated personally to ME had freed me to be obedient from a completely free heart.  A heart now made happy in obedience as well as grateful.

Thank You Jesus for Your amazing patience, persistence with me.  Help me to learn the lesson thoroughly that Your ways are ALWAYS BEST, FULL of BLESSING and I can trust them completely...

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