Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Can I ___________?

Ask Jesus...


He loves you more than you can possibly understand - and He's done everything that can be done to win you over. 

Go ahead - just ask Him...

I know a guy.  Bad guy.  Terrible.  Wanted nothing to do with God.  One day - as a joke - he and a buddy skipped school and ran away to check out a Christian school.  Got invited to the assembly.  Didn't listen.  Next day - same thing.  Definitely not listening.  Third day - same thing.  That night - something happened.  He realized something in his horrible heart had broken.  Decision time came.  He asked his buddy to make a choice w/him.  Buddy said nope - price is too high and 2 days later made a choice that sent him to prison for murder for the rest of his life.  Our bad guy?  Made the choice for Jesus on his own. 

That, as they say, was the beginning of the end.  End of the terrible guy.  Now he loves Jesus and you cannot shut him up.  Jesus changed his life!

Nope - didn't change his life the way He changed mine.  Or the way He'll change yours.  And that's why I gotta tell you - ask Jesus.  You want to do that thing?  Go to Him.  Ask Him.  Dare Him to change you.

Let me know when it happens too - ok?

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