Friday, April 26, 2013

Anchor Points - The Yoke & The Burden

There are times when life feels hard.  Difficult.  A struggle.  Our sins threaten to overwhelm us.  Grief, anxiety, care, worry - too much to bear.  At these times I turn to another Anchor Point.

Dear Jesus - Please shower upon us Your Holy Spirit so that our minds may see the truth You have for us in Your Word which does not lie...

In Bible study, there is the literal dimension, the personal dimension, and a few others.  There is also the word-by-word study approach.  The study type hardly seems to matter with this passage.  For there is such blessing in it however it is approached.  Below, I've inserted the footnoted words as well.

Matthew 11:28-30 (NASB)

28 Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, who work to exhaustion, and I will give you rest. 29 Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For My yoke is easy, comfortable, pleasant and My burden is light.”

While it is certainly true the Christian life is not promised to be carefree, the verses above clearly indicate a level of rest not comparable to life in the world.  This is what I cling to. 

When 'battling sin' begins to feel too difficult - I return to this verse.  Apparently there must be too much of 'me' doing the battling.  For if I were letting Jesus do it all through me - clearly I would be experiencing rest.  And I exhale.  Pray.  Center my head on the WORD.  Proceed forward.

That sacrifice/addiction/sin to lay on the alter - is it too heavy to lift?  To let go?  Back to this verse.  Because Jesus has promised to be the heavy lifter - my burden is to be light.  Take a break.  Pray.  Get back in line with the yoke.  Proceed forward.

Family member/spouse/friend/church family about to make me crazy?  CRAZY I tell ya!  Whoa - something is not right.  Maybe I've broken out of my yoke?  Back to my Anchor Point.  He has promised.  God cannot lie.  Pray.  Pray out my angst, my anger, my failure.  Remember the yoke.  Remember He's the Burden Bearer - I'm to just keep going forward.  Ahhhh - much better now.

Thank You Jesus!  What an amazing Saviour You are!  There is no other God who makes such a promise!

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