Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Anchor Points - Though He Slay Me...

In my 20s, life took a turn and within five years, my parents, 3 grandparents and an aunt died.  Of course - most traumatic was the death of my parents.  My younger sister and I struggled through the lingering illnesses and the details that wrap up the life of a loved one. 

As I traversed the peaks and valleys that characterized my loss, Jesus interposed a verse and I clung to it.  The first part of Job 13:15:

Job 13:15

New King James Version (NKJV)
15 Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him.

For the first time, the entire book of Job opened up to me in ways it never had before.  This - really - is due to the goodness of God.  Always that is the case - isn't it?  Considering I had pretty much zero spiritual life at this point, this verse was very much a gift thrust into the darkness of my life. 

You see, the way this sentence is constructed, it is almost as though Job is being sarcastic given what he has been through.  He IS the worst-case scenario!   Job stares at what we generally consider to be the absolute worst-case scenario and faces it straight on.  For to him, it is but another flavor of what he has already faced.  He says yes, even if that were to happen I will STILL trust Him.  I will STILL serve Him.  In fact - looking at Job's life we can rewrite this sentence as:

Though He _________ me, yet will I trust Him.
                   take my children
                   take my wealth
                   take my health
                   take my spouse's affection
                   take the esteem of my friends

The list could probably continue.  This is how my anchor point was born - for was this true of me?  Praise God He presented the verse to me at a moment when I could relate to Job's situation.  I praise Jesus He enabled to choose Him.

Though He slay me - yet will I trust/serve Him.

Thank You dear Jesus - that You are full of infinite love that makes You amazing to trust!

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