Sunday, August 18, 2013

The Strangeness of Matthew 24...

Dear Jesus - We confess that sometimes we miss the beauty of Your word because we are sin-filled creatures.  But we are YOUR creatures.  So please heal our eyes, ears and hearts to hear Your word as You would have us to do.

Matthew 24 is an odd read.  Really.  Read it.  The flow is stilted and the reader is left off-kilter.  Why do you suppose that is?
I was reading through this chapter today and, once again, was struck by the strangeness.  The best way to approach the chapter is methodically and slowly - which probably applies to the entire Bible.  But here, it is especially important to see the groupings of verses as they relate to different times in world history.  And to recall that sometimes, a prophetic event will have multiple times of enactment.  For example, Jerusalem WAS destroyed totally in AD70.  However, the 'earth' will also be destroyed at the 'end of the age'.  There WERE signs in the heavens at the time of the destruction of Jerusalem in the AD70 time frame - and again at the end of the 1260 day prophetic time-frame signaling the beginning of the 'end of the age'.

And all of this means this post is DEFINITELY NOT an expository read on the chapter.  Rather - there is 1 verse we will look at:

Matthew 24:19 (NRSV)

19 Woe to those who are pregnant and to those who are nursing infants in those days!

Many times I have wondered about this verse.  Was Jesus simply expressing compassion to women here?  It seemed odd - considering He made women, conception and childbirth.  Could He not just arrange events such that this did not occur?  Certainly He could.  And yet, the verse is here.

In fact - the verse is also found again in the Gospels:

Mark 13:17 (NRSV)

17 Woe to those who are pregnant and to those who are nursing infants in those days!

OK - so twice.  Must be pretty important.  Today during a Bible study, the Holy Spirit gave me a different take on this.  Check this out:

A woman in the Bible represents the Church - right?  Does the 'church' reproduce?  Certainly.  And Paul & Peter in the New Testament provide multiple parallels between new converts and nursing infants.   1 Corinthians 3:2, Heb. 5:12, Heb. 5:13, 1Peter 2:2 are some basic ones.

The context of these verses in Matthew 24 is the time of great tribulation.  When we put these elements together, what we see - in addition to the truth of the literal reading - is a spiritual truth.  Those who are still coming into the church at the time of the 'end of the age' and those who are still 'feeding on milk' and not the 'meat' of the Word of God - will be the most fragile of believers.

Just when my mind is reeling with that truth, it dawns on me that just as we would give all we have to assist a pregnant or new mama during such an awful time of tribulation, I too will need to be prepared to 'give all' to assist baby believers.  I must have 'meat' to share!  Just like that - I am full circle back to the beginning.  Bible Study.  Why I must do it every single day.

Thank You dear Jesus for Your compassions which are new every single day - that You don't want a single soul - however new - to be lost.  And that You will give all of us our meat in due season.

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