Monday, August 19, 2013

Am I in Hot Water - Again?

Dear Jesus - My will is stubborn.  That makes my path crooked.  Please create a clean heart within me and renew a right spirit within me - that I may lean not on my understanding, but in all my ways acknowledge You that You might direct my paths...

Luke 24:13 (NKJV)

13 Now behold, two of them were traveling that same day to a village called Emmaus, which was seven miles from Jerusalem.

This is an interesting verse often read.  But recently - some elements came together for me in a special way.  It happens, that geographically, Jerusalem is set upon a hill and so this walk would have been a downhill walk.  Further, when we look at the names of the cities - we see Jerusalem (the City of God) and Emmaus (Hot Water, warm spring).

In actuality, the two of them were leaving the City of God, going downhill, headed for Hot Water.  Which may help explain the further verses which describe them as blinded towards the presence of Jesus.

As I reflect upon myself, I find I too am frequently IN hot water, with the City of God somewhere far away because I have left it.  The City of God didn't go anywhere - in leaving it, I headed downhill and landed in hot water...

Thank You Jesus, that even when I'm headed directly for trouble You are with me, wooing me with Your gentle spirit...  Thank You that You are ever faithful...

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