Saturday, May 18, 2013

Jesus' Request for Forgiveness...

Dear Jesus - We cannot even glimpse Your amazing love and forgiveness unless You give us the gift of Your Spirit.  Please give us that gift now that You may change our lives...

The other night I was puttering around idly listening as my husband read to my son from The Bible Story book for the night.  The evening's story was about the crucifixion.  The books are old.  Very old.  And very Biblically accurate.  However, something the author noted caught my ear.  I had to check it out for myself.

Luke 23:34 - Below is the old king rendering from e-Sword:

ThenG1161 saidG3004 Jesus,G2424 Father,G3962 forgiveG863 them;G846 forG1063 they knowG1492 notG3756 whatG5101 they do.G4160 AndG1161 they partedG1266 hisG846 raiment,G2440 and castG906 lots.G2819

I am no ancient language scholar - but thank God we can all still study our Bibles!  A word search was in order on the rather innocuous looking word 'then' or G1161.  I followed this up with reviewing concordance listings as well as a variety of other versions on the same verse.  You can find it for yourself:

CONTINUALLY Jesus kept repeating 'Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.'  Did you know that?  I didn't.

So let's get this picture revamped in our heads - it goes something like this:  At some point in the process of crucifixion, Jesus began begging the Father for the forgiveness of those who were crucifying him.  Which begs the question:  Who were they?  The soldiers?  The priests?  The maddened throng?  The unfaithful disciples?  Judas the traitor?  Do we stop there? 

Sorry - can't.  Eve is probably the place to begin and the most recent child born is the place to end.  And somewhere in there - as much as I don't like it - is me.  You. 

So let's close our eyes and imagine the scene, what does the Holy Spirit prompt you with?  Where am I when I hear those word? 

Oh Jesus - change my stony heart.  Give me a heart of flesh that I may represent You in all that I do - that I may - in some small way mirror the unimaginable forgiveness You have lavished on me...

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