Wednesday, May 15, 2013

How Jesus Saved Me From My Television

This is just another reason why I love Jesus.  Because He delivered me from my television!  It started innocently enough...

In 2006 or so, my husband and I decided to reduce our cable expenses and only pay for the near-minimum service.  We figured all we watched was public broadcasting and the Discovery Channel anyway - so easy enough to do.  No problem.

As 2010 entered, this oh-so-slight-niggle crept into our hearts that despite our admission that we only ever watched PBS & the Discovery Channel, we really were watching too much television.  Yeah - we probably agreed with the 'niggle'...

Spring of 2011 came around - and with it?  Spring Cleaning!  Woohoo!  Craigslist here we come!  And we did.  The desk purchased with such high ambitions a few years previously, had proved to be rather a space hog.  Except - on it sat the TV and the cable box.   (And no, we didn't sell the TV, patience here!)  So - listed it on Craigslist. 

Craigslist.  The means of much character transformation.  Lady called to check out the desk.  Dutifully I disconnected everything and cleaned it out.  She came.  She went.  Pronounced it 'not the right size'.  Too annoyed to re-connect everything and repost on Craigslist - there it sat.  For 3 months.  Toddler running around - no time to watch it anyway. 

Came home one day and had a discussion with hubby.  Why do we continue to pay this bill and we're not even watching the TV?  So - called the provider - cancelled the service.  Promptly relisted the desk on Craigslist.  Sold like wildfire.

Then we were without a TV.

Did I mention we were THEN WITHOUT A TV?

I had physical withdrawal symptoms for 6 MONTHS!  Truth.  Sure, I could watch something on our computer - and I may have.  I don't recall.  What I remember is the physical cravings for the crazy television lasted for six months!  And every time I had one, the thought went through my head: I cannot believe how physically addicted I was to that stinking television - this is crazy!

Hopefully you can see what I saw.  Jesus was sooooo gentle with us.  With me.  He didn't 'cold turkey' me.  Nope.  Slowly, gradually, as I was able to accept the next step without failure - He led me on.  No turning back my friend, no turning back.  Our lives have been nothing but better without it.

Sure - we have a monitor and we watch sermons.  But no, no Netflix. No Redbox.  Sometimes a nature program free on Amazon Prime.  Maybe even a trip to a movie theatre - though I suspect based on our last experience those days are nearly over.  The battle over media has become so much clearer to us - once we ditched the television.  This I know for SURE - we would have NEVER ditched the old TV without Jesus.

So thank You Jesus!  Thank You for delivering us from our television...

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