Monday, April 29, 2013

Brain Teaser - Matthew 6:33 NLT

Today, I saw this posted by a religious organization:

Matthew 6:33

New Living Translation (NLT)
33 Seek the Kingdom of God[a] above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.


  1. 6:33 Some manuscripts do not include of God.

I was taken aback.  Let's ask ourselves a couple of questions:

1 - In the verse above, 'live righteously' refers to whom?  The person who is seeking.
2 - Check out that footnote - WHAT?!  This point of this verse clearly is very different than the original texts.

Now - compare the above to the new old king:

Matthew 6:33

New King James Version (NKJV)
33 But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.

1 - what does the word 'righteousness' refer to here?  Clearly, it refer the seeker to God's righteousness.  Big difference between God's righteousness and the seeker's righteousness according to the Bible...
2 - No footnote.  Why?  Because the point of the verse is to direct the seeker first and foremost to God, His kingdom, His righteousness.  With the seeker's focus on God - nothing else matters and yet everything else will be provided...  Beautiful...

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