Tuesday, March 26, 2013

A Re/Creation Moment

An Eagle Fluttering His Wings..

Today a co-worker and I struck up a conversation about his amazing eagle pictures.  Which got me thinking of this blog, eagles, the Bible and a talk I heard a few years ago.  The speaker was an Old Testament Hebrew professor and the Holy Spirit buried her words deep in my mind as she spoke with passion about the beauty of the creation moment.  Today I decided to check the text out for myself - join me?

Dear Jesus - please open our eyes to the amazing tenderness of Your love in the moment of creation and recreation You provide for each of us.

A quick word search on 'eagle' in the old king (KJV) returns 25 verses.  With Genesis 1:2 as my anchor verse, a fairly quick eyeballing of the list settled me on Deuteronmy 32:11.  Since both verse were available in e-Sword with the Hebrew - the 'study' took about 10-15minutes.  MUCH longer to write up...  :-)  You can do it - and with practice it gets easier and more exciting.  Just always ask Jesus to guide your search before you begin.

Now to the fun stuff.  The author of both books is the same.  Context?  The second verse of Genesis describes the moment immediately preceeding creation.  The Deuteronomy chapter is describing with tenderest expression how Jesus found Jacob.  My mind is drawn by the language to the picture of Jacob on his way to an uncertain future, with nothing to his name but disgrace, sleeping out in the open with a rock for his pillow.  Check the verses out for yourself - Moses is MUCH more explicit.  With that in mind - consider our two verses:

Genesis 1 2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

Deuteronomy 32 11 As an eagle stirreth up her nest, fluttereth over her young, spreadeth abroad her wings, taketh them, beareth them on her wings:

Word Search: 
The underlined words in both of the above verses are the same Hebrew words.  So the picture we can have of that amazing moment of creation is the picture available to us today in nature with the eagle. Though we weren't there in that moment, Jesus has given us a word picture to give us a glimpse of what it must have been like.  The tenderness with which an eagle - all these thousands of years later - cares for its young.   This is what fires me up:  Jesus is chasing us.  He gives us the language in the story of Jacob.  If that isn't enough to move our hearts about His care  He gives Moses even more tender language;  if that isn't enough He circles us around to the moment of creation of the earth!  How can that not stir my heart?  Jesus - chasing me through the Bible.  Hey - look at me!  I LOVE you!  I'm willing to do anything so you will see that!

Can't resist a quick Compare/Contrast:

- Background of the earth?  Nothingness.  Darkness.  Void.
- Background of Jacob at this point?  Nothingness.  Darkness of the disgrace of sin.  Void of his nearest family.  Starting over would be a desperate hope.
- Jesus sought out the earth with a beautiful plan, to create a paradise from nothing
- Jesus came to Jacob in a dream, Jacob did not go to Jesus
- The work of creating the earth had a beautiful result
- The work of creating something beautiful out of Jacob's life also had a beautiful result

Contrast: (really wasn't going to do this, but can't help myself!)
- Creating the earth took 6 days
- Recreating Jacob took YEARS!  A testimony that the most difficult work is the changing of the human heart... 

Thank You Jesus that You never give up!  You allow that most difficult of moments if there is a chance it will be a teachable opportunity for us to respond to You.  Thank You!

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