Wednesday, March 27, 2013

1 Word Off - Curiousity Answered

For dinner last night I made red lentil stew. Dal. Soup. Really more of a dal than a stew with plenty of carrots, onions, garlic, turmeric, a touch of olive oil.  Good comfort food.  And I thought about Jacob and one word I didn't understand.  Word search on 'sod' is in order. 

Dear Jesus - Please open our eyes to see Your unbounded love for each of us as we look at this text.

The old king (KJV) states Genesis 25:29 this way:

29 And Jacob sod pottage: and Esau came from the field, and he was faint:

The story is an ancient yet familiar one - brother gives his birthright away for a pot of probably red lentil soup.  My mind occasionally wondered about the degree of Jacob's premeditation - this was before I came to understand that was probably the Holy Spirit planting a clue in my head.  Reminded afresh - I looked it up. 

The Hebrew word for 'sod' is below:
זיד זוּד    zûd zı̂yd - zood, zeed

A primitive root; to seethe; figuratively to be insolent: - be proud, deal proudly, presume, (come) presumptuously, sod.

A search of H2102 provides other texts where this word is used and a quick observation gives confirmation.  Jacob - full of intention and presumption - set about making that famous pot of lentils.

The plain deceiver mama's boy captured the red hunter daddy's adventurer boy with a bowl of red stew.

Honestly?  There are lots of personal applications that well - you keep yours and I'll keep mine and we'll just say we shared.  OK?  Alright - I'll share two things:  1 - I am reminded how rich the Bible is.  How I shouldn't hurry over passages.  How the questions I have about God and the Bible are frequently implanted by the Holy Spirit as a way of drawing me to Jesus and His WORD.  oops - more than two.  Finally - I derive great comfort in knowing how the story ended.  Which is that Jesus - knowing the depths of Jacob's depravity - still chased him down with His big 'ole arms of love.  And that kind of love really DOES conquer all!  Thank You Jesus!

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