Thursday, January 2, 2014

Welcome 2014! 21 Days of Fasting & Prayer...

Fasting: Opening the Door to a Deeper, More Intimate, More Powerful Relationship with God  -     By: Jentezen Franklin
In May of 2013, with the desire to have heart-preparation in advance of a Bible camp I would be working at, I begin 1 week of a Daniel fast.  The fast was not even a total fast - and yet on Day 2 I found myself saying 'Things are just too crazy right now to be fasting!'.  And I stopped.  And vaguely I knew something was wrong somewhere....

Forward to September of 2013.  I recalled a sermon I had just heard about the subject of prayer & fasting, so I went out and bought the book entitled Fasting, by Jentezen Franklin.  Easy read.  I found myself being inexplicably drawn to fast.  The Lord used the book to educate me and draw me back to the biblical discipline of fasting.  On the day I finished the book - I began a 40 day fast.  Very anxious and uncertain how this would go, I didn't even want to talk to my husband about it.

Day after day, the Lord sustained me through His word and prayer.  I had to adhere to my standard routine of work, family, church duties.  I noticed that the Lord really DID give me energy, especially when directly serving Him.  In fact, at one point I ended up with so much energy I was concerned I would need to exercise just to be able to relax enough to sleep!

I transitioned on Day 9 to a juice fast for 2 days and did the last 31 days of the fast as a fast from sugar, cheese & other dairy.  When the 40 days were over, I keenly missed the fast - specifically, the closeness with God.  When I began my fast, it was difficult for me to have a specific list of items to fast for - I felt my life was in such turmoil I would leave it to God to choose the priority of fixes I required!  But I soon began to see a kaleidoscope of blessing that I could directly relate to the fast.

Healing from food addiction generally as well as specifically.  In fact, months later I still have 'dominion over food' and I believe it is directly related to the fast.  A 40-day period, to me, signified my request to be released from generational bondage I had inherited.  And I believe God heard and answered my request.

Most surprising - I began to crave fasting.  I could see that 3 days of fasting monthly would be a wonderful discipline to embrace.  And literally I was counting the days until November 1 when I would fast for 3 days.  They raced by all too quickly, and again I craved the 3 days of fasting in December.

Today I just want to praise the Lord for His goodness, for His graciousness in providing this as another discipline in the Christian walk to keep us close to Him.

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