Friday, November 22, 2013

Fiery Furnace - Nebuchadnezzar's View

Dear Jesus - Thank You for friends.  Thank You for kicking off my Sabbath with just an awesome lunch companion.  Please keep my mind in Your care always...

About four weeks ago, a friend asked if I would like to do lunch some day?  Would I?  Does it rain in the NorthWest??  Flash forward through many interruptions and reschedulings - and voila!  Today was the day!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Love this!

What Does God Wear?

Dear Jesus - I praise You for revealing Yourself to us in Your Word.  Give us hearts to open to the revelation...

Do you ever wonder what God wears?  Do you ever wonder what Adam and Eve wore?  A child does.   A thought as simple as this may seem to be - is provided for in the Bible.  Let's consider:

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

What To Do When You Make Up Bible Verses?

Or - at least that is what I am learning to do... :-)
The other day I was giving a Bible verse, only I realized I had confused 2 passages together!  And what I actually said wasn't even IN the Bible!! 
Oh dear...